21. September 2014


MASSIVE BALLOT FRAUD IN SCOTLAND IN SO MANY WAYS....BEING EXPOSED FOR YOU THEY TRY TO EXPLAIN SOME AWAY....BUT I ASK DOESN'T COMMON SENSE TELL YOU THAT SOME OF WHAT THEY CALL NORMAL THINGS...WOULD BE IN THE OTHER DIRECTION TOO? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=835716666453052 UPDATE...THE VIDEO SHOWN YOU AS THE FEATURE AFTER SOME RESEARCH SHOW AS BEING RUSSIAN PROBABLY KIEV...BUT SOMEONE SHARED IT AS BRITS STUFF BALLOTS ON YOU TUBE AND TO ME.....I'VE ELIMINATED THE LINK TO THE FEATURE VIDEO...BUT REALLY THE LINK ABOVE THIS ID GOOD SHOWING MORE FRAUD....I ASSURE YOU ALL THE TEXT AND LINKS HERE NOW ARE GOOD..WANT VIDEO FOLLOW THIS ONE https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=835716666453052 SOMETHING REEKS IN SCOTLAND! https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=835856679772384 LIKE WITH RON PAUL....SHOWN MASSIVE PUBLIC YES VOTE SUPPORT AND WAY MORE BLUE AND WHITE AND BANNERS...YET MAGICALLY VOTED NO....I THINK NOT...I WOULD DEMAND A REVOTE...HAND PAPER BALLOTS...NONE OF THE NORMAL VOTE SUPPOSED OFFICIALS COUNTING THEM..AND NO GOVT OFFICIALS NEAR THE ONES THAT DO...AND FORCE THEM ALL TO SUBMIT TO POLYGRAPH BEFORE AND AFTER! THIS JUST A TEXT FROM A POST OF HAPPENINGS IN GLASGOW...MY POST IS THE CAPS AND MY COMMENTARY OF IT.... YEAH YOU TELL ME HOW THIS HAPPENS? SOMEONES RIGGING THE GAME...GLOBALISTS CAN'T HAVE THEIR KINGDOM FALL...SEEMS ALSO YOU SEE NO INDEPENDENT NON MSM SOURCED REPORTS AT ALL "Fraud allegations - News breaking that police are investigating allegations of electoral fraud in Glasgow. Officials at the referendum count in Glasgow say they are investigating 10 cases of suspected electoral fraud at polling stations. Media reports say it relates to incidents where people turned up to vote and were told they had already voted." OH AND HERE AT THE TALLY OF VOTES A FIRE ALARM JUST HAPPENS TO GO OFF AND EVACUATION LOOKING LIKE ALL KINDS OF SCANDAL ON THE SCOTLAND VOTE A fire alarm at the Dundee count has led to the building being evacuated. Our man James Moncur is at the scene. He says: "Fire alarm in Dundee - the whole building has been evacuated! "Hundreds of counters, politicians, journalists and news crews mingling outside in the rain. "It's a conspiracy I tell you!" http://i3.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article4285250.ece/alternates/s510b/Fire-alarm-at-the-count-in-Dundee-and-the-building-is-evacuated.jpg MORE BULLSHIT? THEY TRY TO PLAY THIS OFF AS EXPLAINED BELOW...I ASK WHY ALWAYS IN THE NO VOTE FAVOR? "A pile of yes vote papers amongst the pile of no votes This is what Daily Record reporter James Moncur says... "Just to clear up 'picturegate' - the photo was a screen grab from Sky TV of the count in Dundee. "All votes both yes and no we're piled on a table before the final verification count started. "The table just happened to have a 'No' sign on it. Sky got a stern ticking off from count officials for the error." http://i1.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article4285253.ece/alternates/s510b/A-pile-of-yes-vote-papers-amongst-the-pile-of-no-votes.jpg AND YUPPERS THEY DID HAVE THE MACHINES SCANNING THE VOTES.....YOU KNOW IT WAS CONTROLLED NOW "ANY" VOTING MACHINE OR TALLY MACHINE HAS BEEN SHOWN THEY CAN BE HACKED AND SHOWN CONTROLLED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yF6zPokb8E DON'T THINK SO...WATCH THIS! HACKING DEMOCRACY...FULL FILM http://www.greanvillepost.com/2011/02/19/hacking-democracy-full-documentary/ COURT HEARING TESTIMONY OF THE HACKING BEING DONE....AND STILL THEY DO NOTHING...ASK WHY? Courtroom Testimony on Rigged Voting Machines http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVmsaDS_FwY !!!!!!WOW! THERE IS A PETITION FOR A REVOTE...AND AN AMAZING 53000 SIGNED ALREADY !!!!!!!!!! http://www.change.org/p/alex-salmond-we-the-undersigned-demand-a-revote-of-the-scottish-referendum-counted-by-impartial-international-parties I POST ONLY FOR NEWS AND INFORMATION TO EDUCATE PEOPLE BELIEVING THIS CONSTITUTES FAIR USE FAIR USE AGREEMENT 17 U.S.C. § 107 Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright

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Мошеници от екстра класа. Просто невероятно дори за мащабите и манталитета на Балканите. Най-голямата демокрация в Европа и наш пример се оказват истински бандити. Едната дама прави заслон като джебчийка, а другата пъха купища бюлетини, които всеки избирател трябва собственоръчно да пуска в урната. АЗ СЪМ ОТЧАЯН ЗА БЪДЕЩЕТО НА ТОЗИ СВЯТ!

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